
Thursday, December 22, 2011

the Truth

The truth about the world .

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Even Patrick knows what it means by friendship .

Just a Story .

Bf : Kita main satu game nak tak ?

Gf : Game apa ?

Bf : Mcam ni , esok awak tak paya contact saya . Mksudnya tak paya text call or apa apa yng 

berkaitan lah . Saya pun buat mcam tuu dkat awak okay ? Kita tgok spea menang .

Gf : Okay !

Esoknya , si Gf terpksa lah than rindu dkat Bf . Mengenangkan yng ni satu permintaan , si Gf 

 cuba kuatkan hati.

Keesokkan harinya , si Gf call si Bf . Tapi tak dijwab . So si Gf pegi dkat ruma Bf dia . Di luar 

ruma ,rmai orng . Dia mula rasa pelik then trus msok ke ruma . Sekujur tubuh terbaring kaku 

di tnga ruma . Dan tubuh tuu adalah jasad si Bf yng dah meninggal . Mak si Bf pun bagi surat 

dkat GF .

Surat yng bertulis :

Sayang , smlam awak dpat hdup sehari tnpa saya . Saya pasti esok dan seterusnya pasti awak 

dpat hdup bhagia tnpa saya . Love you ♥

Apa boleh buat ?

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow

Mr bring me down
Well ya like to bring me down don't ya
But I ain't laying down, baby
I ain't going down
Can't nobody tell me how it's gonna be
Nobody gonna make a fool out of me
Baby you should know that I lead not follow

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr play your games
Only got yourself to blame
When you want me back again
But I ain't falling back again
Cause I'm living my truth without your lies
Let's be clear baby this is goodbye
I ain't coming back tomorrow
Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

So what, you've got the world at your feet
And you know everything about everything
But you don't
You still think I'm coming back but baby you'll see

Oh you think that you know me, know me
That's why I'm leaving you lonely, lonely
Cause baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


"After fighting and fighting, I can't move forward towards what I'm fighting for. At last, I realize that to be yourself is much better than being a fake person."

Kata-2 diatas ditujukan kepada sesiapa je yang terasa :D 
HAHA , ape boleh buat .
aku dah bosan dgn manusia yang taktau nak jadi diri sendiri =.=''
bila namapak orang lain cam bagus@cool sikit .
mula laa nak tiru ape je yang diorang buat .
dari gaya jalan , cara cakap , penampilan .
Almost everything he/she wanted to imitate that person +.+

Kadang-2 jadi diri sendiri lagi best sebab orang lain takde ape yang kita ade ;)
jadi bersyujurlah dengan apa yang kita ada kan .
So kepada segala kalian makhluk-2 yang bergelar manusia .
jadilah diri sendiri bak kata pepatah .
bagai AYAM jadi ANGSA , akhirnya jadi AYAM juga *.*
maka renung-2 kan dan selamat beramal :)
